Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011


So a bit of a story behind this one. This guy came in. Real obnoxious fucker. Then I realized who it was, and why I recognized his shitty tattoos. I'm not gonna say his name but he's a local scratcher. Scratcher: a term tattooers use to describe fuckers who do shitty kitchen tattoos.

He's trying to get me to do a tattoo, on the cheap side. He blabs about one tattoo after another, while I shoot out their potential prices, all while he haggles said prices. This went on for a while and I talked him into getting a pretty lady tattoo on his hand. On his right hand. So when he tattoos someone, they're forced to look at my awesome nurse tattoo, and when faced with how awful the tattoo his clients get and how awesome a shop tattoo looks, he will soon no longer have any loyal clients... boom.

so here's my awesome nurse head :D

He did make me add those shitty rays and the "sick". Haters gonna hate.